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Be BlueRock Foundation FAQs

Explore our FAQs and discover insights into philanthropic investment structures and how you can make an impact in your community through structured giving.

Why Did BlueRock Create the Be BlueRock Foundation?

The Be BlueRock Foundation allows our clients and staff to engage in meaningful conversations about philanthropy and tangible actions that give back to and strengthen communities. While the philanthropic endeavours of our professional services peers often start with a commercial focus, BlueRock aims to disrupt this business model by maintaining a focus on impact as our core and primary objective.

Importantly, the Public Ancillary Fund structure creates the opportunity for our clients to engage with a much smaller financial commitment, therefore broadening the scope to connect, educate and impact a much wider audience.

Can I name my sub-fund?

You can name your sub-fund with your family name or to honour the name of someone you love. Some of our clients choose the name of their house or street to maintain anonymity and this is something we can help you with when you create your sub-fund.

How is establishing a sub-fund different from donating directly to charities?

Establishing a Be BlueRock Foundation sub-fund allows you to provide a targeted and measurable long-term benefit to the community.

The Be BlueRock Foundation gives you the flexibility to play an active role in decision making during your lifetime and the reassurance that the income will be distributed following your wishes in perpetuity.

Capital growth will make your donation become more meaningful over time.

Can I close my sub-fund and revoke the donation?

You can close your fund at any time; however, your donation is not refundable as it is a tax-deductible donation and therefore irrevocable.

If you no longer wish to give directions for your sub-fund and how it will distribute its income each year, you can either donate the funds to the Be BlueRock Fund, nominate select charities to receive the income in perpetuity, or award the donation in a lump sum to a charitable organisation(s) of your choice.

How are the funds invested?

BlueRock aims to maximise the long-term income and capital growth of the Foundation, adopting a disciplined, prudent investment process and avoiding speculative investments. Funds are combined and invested in a purpose-built portfolio managed by BlueRock with an environmentally and socially responsible lens.

BlueRock has a well-resourced and experienced Investment Committee, which oversees the investment management of all funds held in the Be BlueRock Foundation. The nature of a sub-fund structure means that donors can’t direct their own investment strategy; however, on the plus side, this adds to efficiency in saving your time and an effective and meaningful investment outcome.

We have specifically formulated an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) aware portfolio focused where possible on ‘Impact Investing’. Impact Investing directs capital into businesses and assets that both align to the investment objectives of the Foundation, while deploying capital into opportunities focused on creating a better world. While cost efficiency is a focus, it ranks secondary to making meaningful investments. In the modern world, investing for good does not mean sacrificing the investment outcome.

Can other people make donations into my sub-fund?

Yes, and this is one of the great features of establishing a Named Giving Fund with the Be BlueRock Foundation. Members of the public can make tax-deductible donations to your fund. This makes it a great way to involve family and friends in your giving or use it as your company’s giving vehicle.

How are grants made?

As sole trustee of the Be BlueRock Foundation, BlueRock is legally required to make all grant-making decisions and to ensure the net income of the Be BlueRock Foundation is distributed in accordance with legal and Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requirements. While we are guided by your wishes in distributing funds from your sub-fund, the grants from the Be BlueRock Fund are made at BlueRock’s discretion.

Who can receive a grant from?

Beneficiaries of grants must be approved charitable organisations registered as Deductible Gift Recipients with DGR-1 status. Grants cannot be made to individuals or other Private or Public Ancillary Funds.

What ongoing information will I receive about my donations?

All donors will be provided with a receipt for any initial and subsequent donations.

As a fund holder, you will receive an annual account statement showing both the investment performance of your fund’s corpus and the grants that have been distributed.

How do I make additional donations to my fund?

You can make additional donations to your sub-fund at any time.

Your BlueRock advisor can also help you with the process of making additional donations and the decision around how much to donate can be built into your financial planning and tax advice.

Can I leave money to the BlueRock Foundation in my Will?

You can leave an additional donation to an existing BlueRock fund or a bequest to the Be BlueRock Fund. At BlueRock we provide estate planning services and are here to help you structure your philanthropy beyond your lifetime as part of your estate.

What are the tax advantages of having a Be BlueRock Foundation fund?

Donations to the Be BlueRock Foundation at all levels are tax-deductible. Donations over $5,000 can be deducted over a period of 5 years to maximise your tax deduction against your annual income.

This means if you establish your fund with a larger seed donation than you would normally donate in a year, you can spread the tax deduction across future taxable years. There may also be capital gains relief for certain testamentary donations.

Our BlueRock Tax team can advise you on your individual circumstances.

Can a charitable organisation use the Be BlueRock Foundation to raise funds for a specific cause?

A charity can use a Be BlueRock Foundation Fund as a part of its general fundraising strategy, or to raise funds for one of its programs or projects, and seek funds from the general public to support their cause.

Can a company use the Be BlueRock Foundation to establish a corporate giving program?

A company can use the Be BlueRock Foundation to establish a corporate giving program, and this is a very efficient way for a company to manage their charitable giving. A Charity Fund or Cause Fund provides companies with a flexible, low-cost means of realising their philanthropic strategy and fostering a sense of shared achievement with their employees.

What are the fees and charges?

There are no fees to make donations to the Be BlueRock Foundation Fund. If you’re establishing a Named Giving Fund or Private Ancillary Fund account, there are fees involved which include a once-off establishment fee, plus an annual fee.

These fees include all BlueRock’s charges, including investment service, governance, audit, distributions and communications.

BlueRock also offers a Philanthropy Advisory Service , which can work with you to decide on the best personalised approach for your philanthropy.

Philanthropy Toolkit

Want to know more?

Ready to Get Involved in Philanthropy? Download our Philanthropy Toolkit to discover more about how a Named Giving Fund works.
Download the Toolkit

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