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Conservation and the Environment Why its so Important to the Be Blue Rock Foundation

Conservation and the Environment: Why it’s so Important to the Be BlueRock Foundation.

Published: 11 September 2022

3 min read
By Ishara Fernando
Philanthropy and Impact Manager | BlueRock Global

At the beginning of BlueRock’s philanthropic journey, before the Be BlueRock Foundation had been officially established, we engaged Tabitha Lovett, CEO of the Besen Family Foundation and Board Member of Philanthropy Australia, to help guide us on the creation of our corporate giving strategy.

The most important consideration for us in developing a philanthropic giving strategy was involving BlueRock staff in determining our key cause areas to support. We want our people to feel passionate about the causes and organisations we support, so we surveyed everyone in the company to get their input. Conservation and the environment are the areas that received the most responses from our staff.

Why is the Conversation and Protection of the Environment so Important to Us?

One of the greatest challenges of our time is combating climate change and conserving our environment for future generations. In Australia, we can already see the results of climate change in our landscape: coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef; floods devastating our East Coast and the bushfires ravaging our landscape and destroying our precious wildlife.

BlueRocker’s are passionate about protecting our world. We asked Luke McBean, Manager of our SMSF team why this cause area is important to him.

“I strongly believe that it’s everyone’s responsibility to preserve and protect the environment and wildlife for the next generation. I also believe in ‘be the change you want to see’. I’m very lucky to work at a firm like BlueRock with other people who share these values and want to be the change. BlueRock is a proactive and innovative firm that wants to lead the way in terms of environmental and social change. In addition to the Be BlueRock Foundation, where we regularly donate our time at events like National Tree Day, we’ve recently begun the journey to become a carbon neutral company and we’re measuring our impact on the environment to promote further change at BlueRock and in our community.”

Who Does The Be BlueRock Foundation Support In This Area?

Odonata is our key charity partner within the Conservation and Environment space. We chose to partner with Odonata as it’s their mission to empower and enable all Australians to play important roles in saving our wildlife and reversing the impacts of climate change.

Odonata develops innovative ways for everyone to get involved in positive actions for nature that address multifaceted challenges facing our wildlife. This leads to solutions and collaborations that enhance biodiversity resilience.

Anthony Chi, Consultant (R&D and Government Incentives) told us about how our foundation allows him to give back.

“The Be BlueRock Foundation’s Pro Bono policy has empowered me to contribute to conservation and tackling climate change through my strengths as a grants consultant. It’s hard to see the impact of my small day-to-day green habits sitting behind a screen all day, but I know that I can make a difference by supporting organisations such as Odonata, who have the capability and expertise, with securing government funding.”

In addition to our partnership with Odonata, the Be BlueRock Foundation supports conservation efforts and environmental protection through several different initiatives and avenues. Recently, our BlueRockers took part in National Tree Day and we’re proud to be working towards becoming a carbon neutral company.

Get Involved With Philanthropy and The Be BlueRock Foundation

If you’re interested in supporting our foundation to help grass roots organisations focused on conservation and the environment, the easiest way is to donate to our impact fund . Or if you’d like to discuss how to develop a corporate giving strategy that aligns to the interests of your staff and community, please contact us below.

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