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Empowering Women in Tech: Q&A with Code Like A Girl Founder Ally Watson

5 min read

For this extra special client story, we had a chat with Ally Watson. Ally is the Founder and CEO of Code Like A Girl, an award-winning social enterprise that aims to close the gender gap in the tech industry.

Q: Code Like a Girl started off the back of events you hosted. Pretty rapidly, it has grown into an award-winning social enterprise incorporating the School of Code and other initiatives. Did you see yourself as an entrepreneur and change-maker from the beginning?

A: Code Like a Girl started as a passion project to meet with other women in technology. When moving from Scotland to Australia I didn’t have a huge network. This, compounded by working in a male-dominated industry, made me just really miss female friendship.

Running my first community event was so impactful that it became a catalyst for what Code Like a Girl is today – a movement that aims to close the gender gap.

Q: Now that you’re a super busy CEO and business owner, do you still write code? What does your day to day look like?

A: Honestly? Every day looks different as a CEO, especially when you're running a scrappy and hungry social enterprise. But I think my love for coding, which stands strong to this day, is actually what makes me successful in the role of CEO for Code Like a Girl.

Q: Are there unique challenges to running a social enterprise compared to a regular, purely for profit, business?

A: YES! I have to balance our social mission with commercialisation. Sometimes those two things are on opposite ends of each other and it’s the job of myself and our incredible team to think creatively and strategically about how to make those ends meet.

There are some days when it feels twice as hard and I wonder why it’s not easier. But when you’re working on a problem that no one else has solved, a big social problem like ours, I guess we find reward in different places rather than profit. We find reward in the incredible impact and progress that our business makes.

Q: That’s super insightful! Code Like a Girl has amazing partners including global and local tech companies. Have you noticed a shift in how women are treated and represented in tech since launching Code Like A Girl?

A: One shift we’ve certainly noticed is an increase in awareness of the gender gap in tech. For example, in 2015, we were delivering keynotes about “WHY diversity in tech is important”. Fast forward to 2023 and people get it. Now they want the answers and the solutions, so our keynotes centre more on “HOW to get more diversity in tech”.

In terms of our partners, our business has shifted with the needs of those companies and organisations, and I think that’s why we have strong long-term commitments from both local and global brands.

Q: Great to hear the awareness is there. Further to that point though, do you think the isolation and barriers associated with being a woman in a male-dominated industry like tech are still present today? If so, how much progress have you seen?

A: Sadly yes. While we’re seeing more women in tech, we still lack women building and coding tech. Companies report high numbers of women in their workforce but we need to be investing in their technical capabilities to aid with job growth and opportunity. Technology jobs have a long and bright future ahead and the lack of progress in this area worries me. I often speak with women in our community who still feel this isolation.

Q: After taking out the Community Hero gong at the 2022 Smart50 Awards , you mentioned it had been an epic year of growth and impact. Can you tell us what that growth and impact looks like? And what’s in store for 2023 and beyond?

A: We saw unparalleled success in our internship and School of Code programs over the last couple of years and thanks to that, we were awarded an $880,000 grant from the Federal Government to continue developing and expanding these programs.

This investment and belief in our mission will push us further, allowing us to onboard more partners and become an all-encompassing platform for up-skilling future talent as well as nurturing diversity and leadership initiatives in order to maintain these levels of retention.

Q: Super exciting. Ok so you’ve worked with various teams at BlueRock on things like an employee share option plan, capital raising and grant funding. How has working with us made a difference on your business adventure?

A: The key thing that’s made the world of difference is the long-term commitment and relationship that’s been built with my BlueRock team. I’ve had the same key advisors since 2017 when we first joined. They know me, my team and our mission as well as we do, which gives them the unique position to advise us quickly, effectively and with deep understanding and empathy. It’s hard to find that kind of support.

I could list off many services they’ve helped with or great recommendations, but without sounding too cheesy they’ve been our rock. Our BlueRock <3

Q: Awww that’s so nice to hear! Thanks for your time, Ally.

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