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Get insight from your numbers with financial dashboard reporting

Get Insights From Your Numbers With Financial Dashboard Reporting

4 min read

Staring blankly at your financial statements? Start making sense of your business’s numbers with dynamic dashboards.

Financial dashboard reporting provides a visual representation of a company’s key performance indicators in real time. Instead of a static statement of numbers, dashboard reporting lets all stakeholders view the whole business performance picture, all in one place.

Static financial statements and reports might contain all the details, but unless you’re a skilled accountant, it can be hard to pull out the insights that matter. They also don’t provide visual feedback on where a business is booming and where it’s losing steam.

Insightful Performance Snapshots to Enable Better Business Decisions

Financial dashboards provide critical industry specific reporting so business owners can make more informed decisions. We can create a dynamic dashboard tailored and built for your business, so you’ll see the metrics that matter in your industry.

Dashboards Enable Constant Measurement

Business is an adventure. To succeed, you need a clear picture of where you’ve been, where you’re going and a solid plan for how to get there. Regular and consistent measuring is crucial, that’s why we recommend a formal review of your financial dashboard on a monthly basis. This makes it easier to see how the business is performing with real time data enabling improved performance.

The Magic of a Financial Dashboard

Dashboards are customised to your business or industry needs. Data is consolidated from a range of sources such as your accounting, point of sale or inventory management software. It’s then used to create one easy-to-view interface that saves time and tells a big-picture story.

Dashboard reports typically show a range of indicators such as:

  • Sales Health
  • Profit and Loss
  • Top Customers by Sales
  • Monthly Working Capital
  • Monthly Balance

Talk to our Skilled Accountants about Financial Dashboards

Small business is hard. We get it because we’ve been there before and live it every day. You’re time poor, wearing many hats and spending your days in the weeds. It can be difficult to see the big picture. That’s where BlueRock can add value. With real time financial dashboard reporting, you’ll spot the opportunities and the problems early on, so you can turn insights into actions.

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