How to Leave a Bequest

How to Leave a Bequest

Published: 17 June 2024

2 min read
By Ishara Fernando
Philanthropy and Impact Manager | BlueRock Global

Estate planning is about more than writing a will and tying up loose ends. It's also a chance to make a lasting impact by leaving money to a charity in your will. Our experts in estate planning and philanthropy are here to walk you through how that’s done in this video.

Key Considerations around Leaving a Bequest

Direct Giving

This is when you choose to leave a specific amount of money or a percentage of your estate directly to one or more charities. In your will, you'll specify the exact details, like how much you want to give and to which charity, along with their correct name and ABN (Australian Business Number) to ensure there are no mix-ups.

Structured Giving

With this approach, you allocate a portion of your estate to a foundation, like the Be BlueRock Foundation, which acts as a trustee. Our foundation creates a charitable structure in your name (we call it a Named Giving Fund ) that continues to operate after you've passed away.

The money in your fund is invested with the intention of providing a sustainable source of annual donations to your chosen causes. You can set out guidelines for which areas or specific charities you want to support, creating a lasting legacy that aligns with your philanthropic goals.

Need Help With Your Philanthropy Strategy?

Whether you want to ensure your will is water-tight so that your bequests won’t be contested, or you want to explore a structured giving approach, BlueRock has the expertise you need. Reach out to our estate planners for help writing a bequest into your will, or head over to our philanthropy advisory team to learn more about giving purpose to wealth.

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