Don't wait! Why now is the perfect time to invest in your brand

4 min read

There’s no doubt that COVID-19 has turned our world completely upside down. Our social lives, working lives, physical health and financial security have all been impacted in one way or another. After a few months of absolute craziness, the dust has begun to settle and we’ve all found a relative rhythm during isolation.

Compared to many nations around the world, Australia has handled this crisis well, with the diligence and selflessness of our people being a significant contributor to our success. Meaning we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and are hoping to soon return to a degree of normality.

So, what does this mean for you and your business? Well, you’ve got the support of the government, and you’ve had to be more agile than ever before so your (business) skin must be pretty thick by this point. Now is the time to come back better than ever by investing in your brand and marketing strategy so that you’re primed for growth once things get back into full swing.

What support is there for local businesses to enable your brand lift-off?

The Australian Government has released a series of grants and other support measures for local business owners. For our Victorian friends, the City of Melbourne has offered $5 million in grants for local businesses and the state government has offered up to $10,000 as part of its Business Support Fund. In addition to government support, tech giants including Facebook and Google have offered a number of incentives for business owners in need.

All of these assistance measures have helped businesses stay afloat, put feelings of complete panic to bed and allowed focus on things other than survival. There’s a good chance your business model has had to change in some capacity over the past few months, with the support measures available being a facilitator for this.

If your business has adjusted or even redefined itself operationally, it’s the perfect opportunity to shout this additional value from the rooftops by investing in your brand. The Government has done their bit in offering support, now it’s your turn to build from this platform and take your brand to the masses.

How have companies redefined themselves?

A number of brands have had to rapidly pivot under the current circumstances, below are some of the most common examples we’ve seen.

Engaging eCommerce

While brick and mortar stores have had to close doors, opening up an online sales channel has proved popular among many retailers. For some time, eCommerce has been rising in prevalence as a key sales channel. The impact of this pandemic has helped many realise that eCommerce is more than a luxury, it’s essential.

New product & service offerings

Many companies have been forced to explore different product ranges. Our friends at Ned Whiskey in Melbourne have used their distilleries to begin producing hand sanitser. In the wake of a national shortage, they saw the need and addressed it immediately. This kind of agility is incredibly valuable in the modern marketplace and can be the platform from which your business grows.

How should you be communicating your value?

So, you might have opened an online store, taken time to improve your website or expanded into a new product range, but have you thought about how these changes will translate into your brand story and value proposition? A recent study has found that over three-quarters of Australians believe organisations should continue with non-COVID related messaging. This tells us that our audiences still want to be shown promotions and are still interested in their favourite products and services.

So we know the demand is still there. We also know that the digital marketplace is more saturated than ever. So what’s the recipe for success in this situation?

1. Know who you are

So many businesses know WHAT they do and they know it incredibly well. But the crucial element many fail to consider is WHO they are, not only to themselves but also to their customers.

With so much disruption happening in so many industries and many businesses experiencing a slower patch, this is your opportunity to take a deep dive to explore your brand values, personality and positioning in the marketplace.

Need help understanding where your value lies? Get in touch to find out.

2. Know your audience

If you’ve moved any aspect of your business online, you might feel like you don’t know who your customers are anymore. You might feel as though they’re just an order number or account email address.

When you dig a little deeper you’ll actually find that businesses have more access to information about their customers than ever before. Having a consolidated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool like HubSpot allows businesses to hone in on the needs and wants of their customers while being able to communicate relevant messages to them at every stage of the customer lifecycle.

When aligned to a clear brand and content strategy and mapped to detailed customer personas, the true value becomes apparent. The result? Delivering products, services and messages to your customers, tailored to their specific needs and primed for conversion.

Interested in a CRM solution? Contact us to get started.

3. Send the right message to the right people

Once you’ve established who you are and who you’re trying to reach, it’s time to establish how you’re going to deliver your message. Questions that need to be asked include: what does your visual identity look like? How will you speak to your customers? What mix of media platforms will you use to deliver your carefully crafted messages?

Being able to communicate the value of your business in a relevant and stylish manner is crucial in elevating a great product or service to the next level.

Need help establishing the look, tone and delivery of your message? Contact us today for a branding consultation.

As the famous saying goes, “Out of adversity comes opportunity”. We’ve almost made it through one of the most shocking global events in recent history and should all give ourselves a pat on the back for that. We’ve done the adversity part, now comes time to seize the opportunity.

If you’re interested in making the most of this opportunity and are ready to invest in your brand and marketing strategy then get in touch today.

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