BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !


Whether you need a lease prepared or reviewed for your fish and chip shop, warehouse or large format shopping centre store, we can help. Our experienced leasing lawyers have acted for a number of Australia’s largest and best-known retailers and have extensive experience dealing with landlords of all sizes. We pride ourselves on having a commercial focus, which means we deliver best-practice results for our clients.

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Law leasing

Our leasing services include:

  • Negotiating and preparing retail and commercial leases
  • Negotiating and preparing lease renewals and variations
  • Negotiating precedent leases
  • Negotiating and preparing agreements for lease and fit-out incentive deeds
  • Advising on industry best-practice leases
  • Licensing arrangements
  • Advising on lease dispute matters

Our Melbourne-based leasing team manages retail and commercial leasing legal work across all Australian jurisdictions.


How to Buy a Pub: Tips for Entering the Hospitality Industry
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