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Who’s got the power?

It’s important to have appropriate Enduring Power of Attorney documents in place to appoint people you trust to make decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. We can prepare these for you as part of a comprehensive estate plan or a one-off service.

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Understanding power of attorney

  • Why you need to appoint a power of attorney.

    Being prepared for the end of your life is one thing, but a proper estate plan should always consider who’s going to look after your financial and personal affairs and medical treatment decisions should you become incapacitated. Choosing this person (called your attorney) is critical and is most often a trusted family member or friend. The choice can be daunting and no one wants to end up like Britney Spears with no control or choice over who is administering your affairs.

    Each State and Territory in Australia has requirements governing this area of law and these documents should be given the appropriate thought and consideration by an expert in the field. BlueRock Law can assist with the preparation of these documents no matter where you are in Australia.

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    Choosing your power of attorney.

    Consider someone you trust completely, like a close family member, a dear friend who knows you inside out, or a trusted lawyer. They should be reliable, responsible, and capable of making sound decisions on your behalf. It's also crucial to pick someone who understands your values, respects your wishes, and will advocate for your best interests. Before you decide, have an open and honest conversation with your potential power of attorney to ensure they're up for the task.


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