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Estate Litigation

If you’ve been left out of a will, your loved one’s will was done in suspicious circumstances, or you’re an executor defending a claim against an estate, our estate litigation lawyers can guide you through the process in a practical and sensitive way.

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Understanding Estate Litigation

Legal Grounds for Contesting a Will

Consider contesting a will if any of the below may have occurred:

  • You’re not adequately provided for
  • You can prove the will maker was not of sound mind when they did their will
  • You believe the will was done under suspicious circumstances (ie: undue influence)
  • You were made a promise that if you did something, you would be provided for in the will.

Estate disputes are complex and strict time limits apply, so it’s critical that you seek legal advice from an estate litigation lawyer if you believe you have grounds to contest a will.

What do Estate Litigation Lawyers do?

Estate litigation lawyers are skilled problem-solvers in the realm of wills, trusts, and estates. We tackle legal disputes, fighting for our clients' rights with unwavering determination. From unravelling complex inheritance conflicts to resolving contentious will contests, our will dispute specialists bring a balanced mix of expertise and tenacity to the table. With their guidance, you can trust that your interests will be fiercely protected, ensuring a fair and just resolution if you need to embark on estate litigation.


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