Stay On Top of Your SMSF Administration
SMSF accounting and administration are things you want to get right, every time. Our SMSF accounting services include ongoing administration and compliance to reconcile the transaction data of your SMSF throughout the year, so your accounts are always up to date and you have current information to make informed decisions.

Why Choose BlueRock For Your SMSF Accounting and Administration Services?
A Transparent, Quality and Simple Fixed-fee SMSF Accounting Solution
BlueRock's complete SMSF solution is provided by a dedicated, friendly and ever-so-smart team of SMSF specialists and accountants, based in our Melbourne head office.
Relax. We’ve Got the SMSF Documents Covered
As an SMSF trustee, it's your responsibility to comply with Australian superannuation regulations, including proper record-keeping and ATO documentation. But don't stress, BlueRock's SMSF experts make compliance a breeze with our SMSF document services.
We provide a comprehensive suite of documents that you can purchase individually or as a package, including:
- SMSF Establishment
- SMSF Trust Deed Upgrades
- SMSF Borrowing
- SMSF Pensions and Lump Sums
- Change of Trustee SMSF Amendments.
We Work With Trusted Independent SMSF Audit Experts
Your SMSF will be audited by local, independent SMSF auditors who comply with SMSF independence legislation requirements as an approved self-managed super fund (SMSF) auditor. Sleep easy knowing your data is protected.