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Do Good With Your Business

Create a philanthropic strategy that drives deeper engagement and meaningful connections with your business. Much more than a brand initiative, setting up a Named Giving Fund is a strategic business investment. Attract and retain values-aligned employees and position your business as a force for good, while giving back to your community with maximum impact. By providing an enduring revenue stream through invested capital and annual distributions, your impact will grow over time, ensuring a lasting legacy beyond one-off donations.

Get in Touch
Corporate Philanthropy


A strategic and cost-effective way for businesses to give back to their communities.

When you create a Named Giving Fund with BlueRock, you own a sub-fund within a public ancillary fund (PuAF) called the Be BlueRock Foundation. Any donations made to your Named Giving Fund, by you, your staff or your community, are tax-deductible.

Take Corporate Social Responsibility to a new level for your business, knowing that BlueRock will manage the investment, administration, compliance and governance of your Named Giving Fund, while you focus on doing good. A Named Giving Fund requires a minimum donation of $50,000.


Choose the causes you wish to support, name your fund and get your staff and customers involved. You’ll meet like-minded businesses and get involved with the charities and programs you’re backing, with the full support of our team’s knowledge and research.
  • Make a Real Impact

    Make A Real Impact

    Support the charities you care about by providing an enduring revenue stream with fund distributions, instead of one-off donations.

  • We Do the Admin

    We Do The Admin

    Embark on a philanthropic journey knowing that we take care of all administration, compliance and governance.

  • Attract and Engage staff

    Attract and Engage Talent

    Engage your employees in establishing your sub-fund’s cause areas, name and giving strategy.


Step 1

Your company sets up a fund with Be BlueRock Foundation as trustee, and seeds it with an initial donation.

Step 2

You and your staff decide which cause areas to focus on and where you’ll make an impact, with help from our philanthropy advisors.

Step 3

Donations are made to your fund through staff payroll giving, fundraising efforts or one-off tax-deductible donations by individuals and organisations.

Step 4

These funds are invested to grow over time in an ESG Portfolio, with distributions made to DGR-1 status charities of your choice each year.
Corporate Philanthropy CTA

Corporate Philanthropic Advisory Service

Tailor a giving strategy that enables your business to do good and give back to the community, without the admin and high costs. Our philanthropy team will explore, research and complete due diligence on potential charities and cause areas. Learn more about our philanthropy advisory service in the toolkit!
Download the Philanthropy Toolkit


  • Corporate Philanthropy Client Quote

    "The Be BlueRock Foundation has allowed us to focus on the things that we want to do in terms of our business, as well as having an impact through philanthropy."

    It's a really important thing for us as a business and as individuals to be involved in. BlueRock has enabled that to happen through support, referrals and all the accounting and transfers that are required for the fund. Making it as easy as funding the account and simply guiding it with our goals and objectives."

    Craig Ferguson


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