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Wellness for startups

How The WIRL Founders Are Improving Wellness Through Food

3 min read

Have you ever stopped to wonder just how much your mood is connected to the food you eat? Well we’re here to share how BlueRock client WIRL is boosting the world’s mood with food. Keep reading for their top three tips on how healthy eating can reduce burnout for startup founders and employees.

A growing body of scientific research and years of industry experience led co-founders Alicia Holmquest and Bree Pagonis to develop the mental wellbeing app, WIRL , which helps people change the way they eat and think about food to improve their mental health.

All About WIRL

A few years ago, Alicia and Bree were delivering workshops to school students and corporates, educating people on the relationship between food and mental health. Despite their success, they stopped to ask themselves, “do we want to be a small business with a small impact, or a genuine start-up with high-risk but high-growth potential, that can really tackle this problem?”

And guess what? They tackled the problem! By leveraging their 20+ years of experience as Accredited Practising Dietitians, the duo created WIRL, the world’s first mental wellbeing app fuelled by food and driven by the scientific links between the gut-brain axis. WIRL is a subscription-based service that curates your eating experiences to support your mental wellbeing. It’s designed so that food is no longer a burden to our mental health, but used as a vessel to improve it.

WIRL supports people with both the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of eating, by curating their eating experiences based on their mood and other inputs. Through the app, users get food recommendations & nutrition education to support the overall nourishment of the gut microbiome. There’s also audio exercises that help with presence around food, like meditation, but for eating!

Can Healthy Eating Improve Wellness and Reduce Burnout in Startups?

We asked co-founders Alicia and Bree for some tips about how healthy eating can prevent burnout in the startup scene. (Oh, and we also asked them about their experience working with BlueRock too.)

Q: What tips can you share, and what are the benefits around healthy eating to reduce burnout among startup employees and founders?

A: We actually have a whole challenge on our app about this! Here are our top 3 tips on healthy eating to reduce burnout.

1. Eat breakfast, specifically carbs (wholegrain where possible)

    Carbs feed your brain (and body)! They break down into simple sugars ie. glucose which is your brain's (and body's) preferred energy source. PSA: Coffee is not breakfast, it will give you a false sense of energy.

    2. Add fruit and veggies to your meals and snacks

      Fruit and veggies are little powerhouses full of fibre to feed your gut microbiome and colourful antioxidants that protect your brain and body when it's under stress.

      3. Drink water

        Dehydration has links with mental ill health including tiredness and the reduction of our brain's capacity to function properly. Invest in a fun reusable water bottle to remind yourself to drink up!

        How BlueRock Helped WIRL Grow

        Q: Great tips! (Noted on the coffee PSA but don’t love it!) So, how did your journey with BlueRock start and how have we supported your growth?

        A: We received a scholarship to have 12 months of mentorship with Bluerock and the team, led by Bevan McLeod . BlueRock has supported WIRL in various ways, including accounting advice , digital marketing , business structure , product development, fundraising and grant applications.

        Q: Would you recommend BlueRock to other startups looking for help growing their business? If so, why? (Please say yes!)

        A: Of course! BlueRock advisors have immense knowledge of the startup world and how to grow and scale a business. They’re also very connected in the industry and have made multiple referrals to relevant stakeholders throughout our time together.

        Their support on grant applications from Millie Brearley and the team has also been second to none. They go above and beyond to deeply understand your business operations to ensure you are in the best possible position to apply.

        Launch, Compete and Think Big to Boost Your Startup

        Got a great idea? Ready to grow? Want to take on the world? You’ve come to the right place. We’re an entrepreneurial advisory firm dedicated to helping founders achieve great things by plugging you into capital-raising opportunities, improving businesses through innovation and devising strategies to turbocharge growth. Get in touch to start your business adventure today.

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