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Claim Back Cash on R&D Costs

Are you investing in innovation? Kiwi businesses doing R&D can claim back cash through two R&D tax programs, to reduce costs by up to 43%. The rules are complex and there are flaming hoops to jump through. We simplify the process with a milestone-based partnership that lowers your risk and increases your success.

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RD Funding Specialists

Subsidise Your R&D with Tax Credits

What is the R&D Tax Incentive (RDTI)?

Since 2019, NZ businesses conducting R&D can access the new Research and Development Tax Incentive (RDTI). The RDTI program offers tax offsets worth up to 15% of your acceptable R&D expenses. In some cases, approved offsets could be paid to you as a cash refund. The paperwork and process might seem daunting, but the financial benefit makes it worthwhile.

Simplify and Streamline the RDTI Application Process

The process to access your RDTI payout can seem daunting, but BlueRock’s specialist advisors support you through every step. We take the lead with your paperwork and liaise with the regulators. We prepare your applications and claims, and give you the right advice at the right time.

Predict My RDTI Benefits

Uncertain how much time and effort to invest into a long process with an uncertain outcome? We can give you early and accurate estimates of how much you could get back. De-risk the RDTI process and make better cost-benefit decisions.

Write My Application

Wrapped your head around the hundreds of pages of guidance yet? No? That's OK! We’ve done the hard yards and know the R&D rules inside out. Focus on your business while our application specialists write your technical narratives to pass the tests.

Prepare My Tax Claim

Are your records in order? We’re also experts in claim calculation and compliance. Make sure the tax office gets accurate figures and complete supporting documents.

Just Get Us the Credits

Got better things to do than studying tax law and depreciation schedules? We can simplify and streamline the whole process. Get the credits you deserve and bring your refunds forward as early as possible.
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Am I Eligible for the RDTI?

If you’re a private-sector business developing innovative new products or services in New Zealand, you're likely able to access the RDTI. However, care must be taken to make sure your work is framed correctly for the regulators, to pass the R&D ‘tests’ and get your full entitlement, every year.
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Get Cash Now to Improve Your Cash Flow

Although less widely promoted than the RDTI, the R&D Loss Credit is also available to most early stage, private-sector businesses.

If your business is pre-revenue, growing rapidly, or heavily investing in early R&D, you might be making a net loss. The R&D Loss Tax Credit gives you up to 28% of those losses back as a refund. And you get the refund for the same tax year, to improve your cash flow and allow you to continue investing in R&D.

Can I Get R&D Loss Credits?

Your company must reside in NZ, be making a loss, and not be majority owned by the Crown. With the aim of targeting early-stage innovators, you can’t yet be listed on the stock exchange, and at least 20% of your labour bill (including some contractor costs) must be for R&D. You’ll also need to own the intellectual property or know-how resulting from the R&D.

How Do R&D Loss Credits Work?

A tax loss normally generates tax credits to lower your taxes in future, profitable years. But that can leave you uncomfortably out of pocket in the meantime. Instead, the R&D Loss Credits scheme pays you the credits as a refund, in the same year. The amount of refund is up to 28% of your tax loss but depends on your exact R&D costs and R&D labour. You need a process to ensure you claim the right costs, as ‘R&D’ is defined differently for this program. With BlueRock as your partner, you can rest assured you’ll be accessing your full entitlement from both programs.

How Much Could I Get Through RDTI and other R&D Tax Programs?

Each tax program has detailed rules, conditions, and exceptions that need to be carefully considered. It’s even possible that some of your R&D qualifies for only one program and not the other. But the big picture is, you can claim:

  • Up to 15% of your R&D costs through the R&D Tax Incentive.
  • Up to 28% of your business loss (from R&D) through the R&D Loss Tax Credit.

How Can BlueRock Help with RDTI?

Here’s how BlueRock’s grants and tax specialists can help you access the R&D Tax Incentives

  • Free consultations for new clients
  • Independent pre-assessment advice, before you approach the regulators
  • Confidential workshop to review your innovation projects and expenses
  • Estimates of credit/refund benefits under both programs
  • Writing your detailed technical narratives needed to pass the R&D tests
  • Submitting your application and supporting liaison with the regulators.
  • Preparing the supporting documentation for your tax return (IRD’s “#1 mistake” is omitting this)
  • Reviewing your end-of-year accounts to calculate final eligible R&D expenditure (claiming ineligible costs is mistake #2!)
  • Training key staff on R&D eligibility and record-keeping processes
  • Ongoing regular catchups to ensure you access your full entitlements, every year.

What Our Clients Say

  • Testimonials Individual

    "Tom and Corey at BlueRock took us through our RDTI application to a successful result."

    They clarified and simplified the process, and translated the information we gave them into the form required, minimising our time spent getting it in order. They also followed it through, helping it over a couple of final hurdles. We will definitely use them again, and highly recommend them! - Sam Mackwell, Mackwell & Co, Ltd.

Our Expertise

  • Tom moore

    Tom Moore

    Tom leads BlueRock’s New Zealand office and is head of the Grants and Incentives teams in Australia and New Zealand. He is an expert in R&D tax incentives and funding with global experience in NZ, Australia and the UK.

    With degrees in both science and finance and extensive experience in business advisory, Tom has worked with garage startups, listed tech companies and everything in-between.

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  • Corey laverty 1200x800px website background

    Corey Laverty

    Corey is a specialist in research funding, with over 11 years’ experience in research management and advisory for leading Australian and European universities and research organisations.

    As a scientist who’s also trained in economics, Corey brings the detailed understanding needed to write your technical narratives and project pitches.

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