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Gareth de maid

Gareth de Maid

Portfolio Strategist & Senior Investment Advisor | Wealth

As a certified financial planner who holds a Diploma in Financial Planning, and a Bachelor of Arts and Economics, believe us when we say there’s no one better suited to the role of our Investment Director than Gareth.

We’re lucky to have a quick thinker who’s fast on his feet join our Private Wealth team – Gareth birthed his second child when the baby decided to come into the world a little earlier than expected! Impressive university qualifications aside, we’re pretty sure that delivering his son must have been one of Gareth’s most notable achievements to date. True to his role of an Investment Director, Gareth has a passion for conveying difficult concepts to the layman, an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and regularly gets excited over financial markets. Outside of office hours, he loves spending time with his kids and fanboying over old cars.

Knowledge I've Shared

Introducing the Enhanced Yield Portfolio
3 min read
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