BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !

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Jo Stanlake

Chief Marketing Officer & Managing Director of BlueRock Digital

Jo Stanlake is a dedicated marketing and digital professional with over 20 years of experience in helping businesses enhance their brands, marketing strategies and sales processes. She joined BlueRock in 2018 to develop BlueRock Digital's marketing service offering for clients. In 2020, she transitioned to leading BlueRock’s internal sales and marketing team, where she has focused on both traditional and digital marketing strategies to drive growth. She is now the Chief Marketing Officer for BlueRock and the Managing Director of the BlueRock Digital division.

Jo is grateful for the opportunity to serve on both the BlueRock board and the Be BlueRock Foundation board. These roles allow her to combine her passion for supporting business owners with her desire to contribute to meaningful social impact.

With a strong belief in the power of business to positively influence communities, Jo strives to use her experience and knowledge to help businesses grow and make a difference. She considers it a privilege to work with such inspiring colleagues and clients at BlueRock.

Knowledge I've Shared

Improve Your Website to Boost Your Business
8 min read
A planet, a mountain and an old Macintosh computer
How our Melbourne-based digital consultancy works from home using cool cloud-based tools
7 min read
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